

Destroying Viruses

ANTIVIAL Packaging

In light of the data we obtained as a result of our R&D study, we redesigned our products to destroy viruses. It has recently been killing up to &99 of the virus, a particularly new type of corona (Covid-19), which has been seriously threatening human life, and makes it easier to accelerate our transition to the new normal.


preventing rusting

VCI Packaging

In light of the data we obtained as a result of our R&D study, we redesigned our products to prevent punding. Our VCI product prevents the rusting of the metal products you use.


100% Resistance to Microbes

ANTIMicrobial Packaging

In light of the data we obtained as a result of our R&D study, our products show their resistance to viruses against microbes.


Full KOruma Against Bacteria

ANTIBacterial Packaging

In light of the data we obtained as a result of our R&D study, we redesigned our products to destroy viruses. It has recently been killing up to &99 of the virus, a particularly new type of corona (Covid-19), which has been seriously threatening human life, and makes it easier to accelerate our transition to the new normal.


Waste End

ANTI Fungal Packagings

Thanks to the Anti Fungal feature, our packaging delays the maturation of food products contained in it and extends the waiting time thanks to the continuing maturation process of foods such as fruits and vegetables collected from the branch while in the packaging. In export-oriented transportation, the protection time prevents waste of products because of its long protection time. Our anti-Fungal products do not have antistostic effects, only kill harmful bacteria and prevent its formation. It does not damage the natural cell, so it prevents food from being corrupted.